Can power washers easily damage a tyre?

No, power washers do not easily damage tyres. When used correctly, a power washer can easily clean your tyres quickly, effectively, and safely. 

However, it is possible to misuse your pressure washer, which could cause some damage. Here are our tips for washing tyres correctly:

  • Use the correct pressure—ideally 100 bar or less.
  • Do not hold your washer too close to the tyre. Keep it at least 20 cm away from the tyre.
  • Using power washer accessories that increase the pressure could harm your tyre. So avoid these power washer accessories for the tyres.
  • Keep the nozzle moving. Keeping the jet stream in one place too long could apply too much pressure to your tyre.

If you’re not sure your power washer alone is doing the job, you can also use a foam cannon on your tyres. A foam cannon can disinfect your tyres for the deepest clean. 

If you would like more information on the right power washer accessories and tips for tyre cleaning, make sure to ask our Triace team for more tips and tricks!